
General conditions of Sale is the site through which the company listed below sells its products online through its Biscottificio Caucci brand:

Falcone S.a.s. di Falcone Alessandro & C.
Contrada Ronzino sn. - SS 585 Km. 15
85040 Trecchina (PZ)
Partita IVA: 01714540760
Tel: +39 0973 826415 Fax: +39 0973 826415


Sale of products

The sale on this site is governed by these General Conditions of Sale (in accordance with Italian law and in particular with Legislative Decree 70/2003 relating to electronic commerce and Legislative Decree 206/2005 with specific reference to the relevant legislation distance contracts) as well as by the methods indicated in detail in the sections of this site called: How to buy, Shipping and Privacy, which must be considered an integral and substantial part of the sales contract. Therefore, the Customer is invited, before sending the order, to carefully read the conditions of sale as identified above and the information contained therein and to print or save them on another durable medium accessible to him. Any changes or new conditions of sale will be promptly reported to the Customer, will be effective from the time of publication on the site and will be applied only to sales concluded after publication. The sending of the order by the Customer is valid as acceptance of the conditions of sale in force at that time.

Purchase of products

Through the purchasing systems present on the website, the Customer is free to order and purchase the products available through the appropriate tools on the product pages.
The order sent by the Customer to Biscottificio Caucci through the Internet must be completed in its entirety and must contain the elements necessary for the identification of the Customer and the products ordered as well as an indication of the place of delivery, under penalty of nullity. The order is automatically sent to Biscottificio Caucci after the Customer has paid for the products included in his request through the payment systems present in the procedure.
Subsequently, Biscottificio Caucci will send the Customer, by e-mail, an order receipt confirmation, followed by the shipment of the goods.

Right of withdrawal

The Customer has the right to withdraw from the contract, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within 7 days of delivery of the product or products purchased, according to correctness and good faith, upon written communication to be sent to Biscottificio Caucci by e-mail at

In the communication, the Customer must indicate the product or products for which he intends to exercise the right of withdrawal. Biscottificio Caucci will, at its own expense, collect the product or products in the manner and within the terms that will be agreed in advance with the Customer, unless the customer renounces the return of the above.


Biscottificio Caucci delivers the product or products ordered by the Customer, under the conditions expressly indicated in the section of this site called Shipping.

Prices and payment methods

The prices of the products indicated in the various sections of this site include VAT. The prices applied are those indicated on the site at the time of the order by the Customer. The prices of individual products are subject to change and, therefore, the prices indicated on the site from time to time cancel and replace those previously indicated. The price of the products purchased, together with the cost of home delivery, must be paid by the Customer at the conclusion of the purchase procedure existing on this site. Payments are made through the Pay Pal system.

Guarantees and responsibilities

The Biscottificio Caucci, within the limits of availability as regulated above, guarantees that products will be delivered equal to those indicated and described on the site. The manufacturer’s responsibility applies to all products sold. The manufacturer is also responsible for the truthfulness and completeness of the information on the packaging. The images on the site are provided to the customer to facilitate the recognition of the products; due to variations in the packaging by the manufacturer, the photos may not exactly reflect the appearance of the delivered product.

Disputes and applicable law

Civil disputes relating to the application, execution and interpretation of the distance sales contract are subject to Italian jurisdiction and the Court of the place of residence or domicile of the Customer will be competent, if located in the Italian territory. Contracts stipulated remotely with Biscottificio Caucci are governed by Italian law and, although not expressly provided for, the relevant laws apply.